Graph db ecosystem keeps growing

Graph db ecosystem keeps growing

Yoann Maingon
Yoann Maingon
Graph db ecosystem keeps growing

Last June (June 17th 2021), Neo4j raised $325 millions. Last week ( october 5th 2021), Memgraph raised $9.34 millions. Tigergraph raised $105 millions last winter (February 17th 2021). Memgraph is 23rd most popular graphdb and Tigergraph is 9th, but still they show a great dynamic. This is very promising for the Graph DB ecosystem. Look at the popularity trend for graph DB:

Graph-DB Youtube tour

To save you some time searching for introduction videos, I took some of these databases and typed “<name of db> intro” in youtube. Here is the result :





If you find better videos to introduce these database or other graph databases, let me know. I have tried to do graph-only databases. I will cover multi-modal databases in a future post.

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